Installation and Configuration

Xcessiv is currently tested on Python 2.7 and Python 3.5.

A note about Windows

Because of its dependency on RQ, Xcessiv does not natively support Windows. At the moment, the only alternative for Windows users to run Xcessiv is to use Docker. See Installation through Docker for details.

Installing and running Redis

For Xcessiv to work properly, it must be able to access a running Redis server.

Instructions for installing and running Redis are OS dependent and can be found at

Make sure to take note of the port at which Redis is running, especially if it is not running at the default Redis port 6379.

Installing Xcessiv

Installing with Pip

The easiest and recommended way to install Xcessiv is to use pip:

pip install xcessiv

Installing from source

If you want to install the latest version of Xcessiv from the master branch, you need some extra JavaScript tools to build the ReactJS application.

First, you need to install Node>=6 and Create React App.

Then, run the following commands to clone the Xcessiv master branch and build and install Xcessiv.:

git clone
cd xcessiv/xcessiv/ui
npm run build
cd ..
cd ..
python install

Installation through Docker

An alternative way to run Xcessiv is to run the server inside a Docker container. At the moment, this is the only alternative for Windows users to run Xcessiv.

There is a full guide for using Docker to run Xcessiv here.


To configure Xcessiv outside the default settings, create a Python file at {HOME_FOLDER}/.xcessiv/ Here are the parameters (at their default values) you can copy / paste in that configuration module.:

# Xcessiv config
REDIS_HOST = 'localhost'  # Host address of Redis server
REDIS_PORT = 6379  # Port of Redis Server
REDIS_DB = 8  # Redis database number to use

XCESSIV_PORT = 1994  # Port at which to start the Xcessiv server
NUM_WORKERS = 1  # Number of RQ workers to start

Please note that aside from this configuration file, another way to configure Xcessiv is to directly pass the parameters when starting Xcessiv from the command line. In this case, the configuration variables passed through the command line overrides the the configuration found in See Starting Xcessiv for details.